photo by Lori Fuller
Book News:
The 5 Ways In to Character book launch at Book Passage last fall was a huge success; the book is now also available at Point Reyes Books .
You can also get it from me directly (at a discount): 5waysin.com
About the book:
It’s a workbook, not a textbook—designed for you to keep it on your desk or in your creative workspace; take it with you, and use it wherever you are in the process of creation.
The next Five Ways In to Character series at Book Passage will be announced soon! Stay tuned.
Reminder: Classes are on Zoom, but NOT recorded, so that we can create a private, safe container in which to share your work and needs.
Previous Classes…
My first-ever Marketing class, Three Ways In to Evocative, Authentic Presence and Branding for Authors and Entrepreneurs was a hit! I’ll let you know when that is happening again.
It is such a pleasure to teach through Book Passage and support this wonderful, local, independent bookstore!
If you’re not yet on my mailing list, scroll all the way down and sign up – on the far right of this page, below the blog.
If you want to check out my first live interview from last October… my friend and video guru, Jon Leland had me on his webshow, and Here’s the replay !
It’s all about showing up with Ease and Authenticity on the screen – and anywhere you’re bringing your brand and presence and want to feel like You.
If you took part in any of the above classes, keep in mind that this work deepens and becomes more and more organic to you every time you use it. Keep working with the handouts, and if you feel so moved, you can purchase the Authentic Self meditation on my Products Offered page.
To be sure you find out about all my offerings in time to take part, sign up for my mailing list (scroll all the way down on this page – sign-up’s at the bottom of the blog – my fault, not my web designer’s!)
And go to the Classes page, for more details.
Here’s what students are saying about the class series:
“Julia’s Ways In is a brilliant and original set of techniques for exploring and deepening characters which go way beyond what writers usually learn and practice. A wonderful opportunity to learn from an accomplished actress how to access the often elusive essence of characters and what makes them tick.”
“Julia is a passionate and stimulating teacher and her classes crack open new insights and perspectives for writers committed to creating characters that are fully alive.”
“Julia’s techniques help keep me excited about my writing projects rather than overwhelmed. Her classes offer a useful conceptual framework, actionable practices, and compassionate support.”
Note: Please support Book Passage by taking part in their Conversations with Authors series, happening now!
One more time, you can sign up for my mailing list to receive all future invites/class announcements. (Scroll to the bottom of this page, for the mailing list sign-up, right side, at the bottom of the Blog.)
You will only receive emails when there is a specific event of interest occurring. I do not have a regular newsletter, or habit of Inbox-bombing. No worries.
Solo Performers and Writers:
I am currently available for Private Coaching via Zoom or in person.
I’ve got a special offer going for monthly coaching packages – sign up by December 15th to get my current rate – it’s going up in January! Contact me for more information. I offer a variety of packages to meet your needs, wherever you may be in your process.
Tell your story! The world needs it.
Check out the Classes page, above, for more details.
“I guarantee you once you get Julia involved in your project you will get 500% unqualified support in every way. Not only will you get tangible skills and incredible growth as a performer but you will have someone you can count on without reservation to be in your corner.
Julia is deeply loved and respected by the larger Bay Area theater and solo performance community.”
-Shelley Campbell, writer, storyteller, solo performer, SF Bay Area
“Julia is my go-to acting coach for my one-man shows. Her direction is intelligent and sensitive, and yet accessible and free of unnecessary complications. She is particularly brilliant at helping a performer play multiple characters (an essential skill for most one-person shows). Rehearsals are always fun as she keeps things lively through effective physical warm ups, abundant humor, and an incredibly supportive enthusiasm for the work. And more than anything, she exudes an unwavering commitment to art as a path through life which can’t help but inspire those who work with her. She has certainly done that for me!”
– Mark Kenward, Writer, Performer, Director. Current show: Nantucket.