So I check in with my Higher Intuition, my Authentic Self, and, only lately (thanks to SARK), my Dreams…those deep, internal-campfire desires that live with each of us in our waking lives…daily. I chat with them, have real conversations.
Sometimes, a piece of clarity that is so piercing puts itself into words, holds me and moves me forward. I share this one with you:
“…hold no one in disregard. No one. disregard is a false realm – it feels like power, but it is not. It keeps you, and Me, weak and unfulfilled. Let go of disregard as a tactic or a landing place – completely.”
So I dropped the ball on the blog-a-month-on-Fun idea.
I found out in July that I had to move and was all about that until I found a sweet place in a town (see Contact page) that has made my soul sing from my first visit here, nigh onto 20 years ago.
Let’s keep going with that old-man language….
It’s been three years since my father died. I spoke his name out at a service last night, with others who have lost people at this time of year. This morning, making my tea, I scooped a bit of local honey out of a jar, and this piece of fun from my childhood came swooping back to me.
I can feel and picture myself – four years old, messy hair, fork in hand at the dinner table, head dropped back in joy as I crack up at the unsaid foolishness, and feeling my dad as a deliciously sharp humorist. (He had an irreverent joy inside him that often did not have its say.) Every time my father shared this little rhyme, I would laugh like mad and demand an encore.
So in honor of my father, and fathers everywhere…
In honor of my new digs, the memories arising as I unpack,
In honor of the Days of Awe,
In honor of Fun, I leave you with: