Recently, Onstage:
The American Premiere of Yaga at Marin Theatre.
If you did/did not see it, here, in their “Superlative Seven” end-of-year list, is what the Pacific Sun said:
“Yaga, Marin Theater.
It’s hard to sum up the experience that was Yaga. This modern-day epic, while certainly in need of some trimming, is an important reimagining of where women exist within our mythology and how that translates into our everyday society. While the spectacle of the show was impressive, it was the star power of lead Julia McNeal and the brilliantly beautiful monologues she delivered that elevated this production above an ordinary show.”
The most challenging acting job I have ever had, no lie.
I played six characters, including the notorious title role—that ancient, rock-star witch: Baba Yaga.
Directed by the amazing Barbara Damashek, enacted by myself, Rachel Clausen and Adam KuveNiemann…and an incredible design and backstage team who made the Magic happen!
It was a wondrous event. I hope you saw it!
Not only a great play for the “spooky” season when the veil between the Worlds gets thin,
Yaga is an invitation to unfurl a primal, smart-AF, real,
—ancient and here-right-now—
Feminine Power.
Big Data at A.C.T.!
This World Premiere play was not to be missed. Hope you caught it.
I am so proud of what we created. It was a privilege to be a part of this piece becoming itself. Deep bow to Kate Attwell, Pam MacKinnon and everyone involved.
Click here to read the SF Chronicle review.
Lily Janiak really got it right!
The A.R.C reading of The Grown Up, by Pulitzer Prize winner, Jordan Harrison was a joy to do—this crew of artists is a team I’m proud to be part of.
Poetic Justice
was a hit at The Marsh SF! Look for a remount in October at their Berkeley location!
I could not be happier to be working with this playwright and this artistic team: fellow actor, Charles Shaw Robinson and director, Lauren English.
Charley and I take on two literary-giant duos in this show: Rilke and the Young Poet…and Elizabeth Hardwick and Robert Lowell – Lynne Kaufmann is brilliant at bringing larger-than-life, real-life heroes to the stage—so lucky to work with her!
Dana H at Berkeley Rep
My first Understudy gig. A truly wonderful tribe of beings made this show. I miss them daily. Hope you got to see it.
I was thrilled to work with this amazing team of artists: Les Waters, Jordan Baker, Shelley Miles, Michael Suenkel—and designers/artisans like Steve Cuiffo and Mikhail Fiskel.
The show won 2 Tony Awards during our run. Deirdre O’Connell’s acceptance speech is a must-watch. She helped create the piece and did the role on Broadway.
Recently, Online…
May 15th and 16th: as Charlie (CRISPR Scientist) and ALISA (A Chatbot) in the World Premiere of Jonathan Luskin’s Perfect at the PlayGround ZoomFest!
Click the link for info.
My First Radio-Play Ever:
The audio-play version of Escaped Alone for Magic Theatre. It was an online hit! As Lily Janiak said, in the SF Chronicle Datebook: “…features a gobsmacking cast, the likes of whom our limited theatrical canon would rarely permit on the same stage: Anne Darragh, Julia McNeal, Elizabeth Benedict and Anne Hallinan.”
Here’s my interview for the Magic’s blog…if you want my short take on the process and the play.
With: Elizabeth Benedict, Anne Darragh, Anne Hallinan, and Me.
Directed by: the constantly astounding Loretta Greco;
Sound Design: the incomparable Jake Rodriguez (and the tones of his back yard);
Stage Management: Kevin Nelson;
Production Direction: Jackie Hill…
With SAG’s production contract and the blessing of playwright, Caryl Churchill…whose words and construction in this play transcend dimension and time, while bringing us back and IN to the most private, most connected moments…inside ourselves, and beside one another…the daily joy and delight of (and need for) Being Together…all, as she strips bare WHAT IS GOING ON.
Once we started, we all agreed: maybe this play was BORN to be an Audio experience. Close by, in your ear. A companion.
Available to listen: October 19th through November 15th.
So grateful to have been a part of it.
Meanwhile, for more Shelter-in-Place hanging out together: here’s my episode of the Magic’s Far Apart Art podcast:
Recently, Onstage:
…as one of the Guest Performers in Nassim at the Magic in Fort Mason. (click on the image to learn more)
Had NO idea ahead of time what was going to happen. What a deep joy it was to do – and what amazing company I was in! So jazzed to have done this. Thanks, Nassim!
Nassim Soleimanpour is an Iranian playwright who goes around the country doing this show. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime thing. If you didn’t catch me doing it, find it elsewhere!
…as Isabella Bird/Louise in Top Girls at A.C.T.!
This show was the perfect way to make my debut at A.C.T.!
Check out the trailer, (if it’s still avaiable)
It was a pure joy to be in the room with Tamilla Woodard, and a thrilling adventure, nightly to be onstage with this amazing cast!
I’m in awe of my sisters, my colleagues, of what I discovered inside me, and perhaps most of all: Caryl Churchill.
July 2019. As Joanna in Barbara Hammond’s Visible From Four States, produced by Magic Theatre at the Exit Theatre in SF. This was the first fully-staged production of this community-based play that asks the deepest questions about who we are here in America, as folk. It has toured parts of the U.S. in reading form and hopefully will have a similar future, fully staged. It was a deep privilege to play this amazing woman. I miss her. Thank you, Barbara Hammond.
Magic Theatre’s 2017 Virgin Play Festival: As Joanna in Visible From Four States, by Barbara Hammond, directed by Erin Gilley – December 8th at 8 p.m., and as Laura in Laura and the Sea, by Kate Tarker, directed by Jessica Holt – December 14th at 8 p.m. Invited audience only; email me if you want to come and I’ll get you a seat.
As Eva in The Eva Trilogy by Barbara Hammond, following Taylor Mac at the Curran as the opening the Magic Theatre‘s 2017- 2018 season! Directed by the amazing Loretta Greco.
I couldn’t be more thrilled and honored to have been inside this process of birthing this powerful trilogy of plays, saying these exquisite words, working with this amazing playwright, cast, crew and team. If you missed it, or if you saw it, and want to read reviews (there are a ton of ’em, and you know I have a hard time reading them…) check out the Reviews page, and, here are a couple of links.
As Claire in David Grieg’s amazing, challenging, and timely play for two actors and a choir: The Events, directed by Susannah Martin. This show was a powerful offering. I couldn’t be more moved by my cast-mate, Caleb Cabrera and all my colleagues, and…it was my debut at Shotgun Players – an amazing place to create art. (For now, till I read them, reviews, here.)
Deep bow to all involved.

As Eva in the staged reading of The Eva Trilogy by Barbara Hammond, directed by Loretta Greco. Part of Magic Theatre’s Virgin Play Festival 2016. So privileged to read this amazing role in this unprecedented, powerful piece.
As Franny in the very timely, La Cucaracha and the Boogeyman by Matthew Keuter, in Crowded Fire Theater’s Matchbox Reading Series. For a little border-crossing, wall-dissolving magical realism, come on down to Bindlestiff Studios at 7 pm, Thursday, November 17th. It’s free!
As Louise in the Bay Area Playwrights Festival workshop of Sara Sander’s wonderful new play, Sycamore.
Directed by the amazing Jessica Holt. With: me, Carrie Paff, Aaron Kitchin, Emily Radosevich, Josh Schell, and Lawrence Radecker. Way cool play – “satisfying” is the word that kept coming up. Sarah has written a terrific black comedy that addresses dysfunctional family and gender-identity questions in new way, that is both freeing and deeply compassionate.
As Heather, in the Magic Theatre‘s season opener, the American Premiere of Fred’s Diner by Penelope Skinner, directed by Loretta Greco.
Everlasting gratitude for this one. Deep bow to Penelope Skinner and Loretta Greco, and this fine cast: Katharine Chin, Donald Sage MacKay, Nick Day, Jessi Campbell, Terry Lamb, and Me.
As Lottie Talley in the 4-Performance Reading of: Talley & Son, by Lanford Wilson at the Aurora Theatre in Berkeley.
Part of the Aurora’s Talley Cycle (they produced Talley’s Folly, followed by Fifth of July. This staged reading completed the cycle of Wilson’s Talley Trilogy.)
As Meg in A Lie of the Mind at the Magic Theatre, Such an amazing cast and well-designed and directed piece in the place where Shepard was birthed as a playwright…directed by the amazing, Loretta Greco
Cast: Sean San Jose, Catherine Castellanos, Robert Parsons, Jessi Campbell, James Wagner, Juan Amador, Elaina Garrity, and Me.
What a privilege it was to be in your company on and off stage!
As Alice, the mother, in Jordan Puckett’s Restore, a play in development at the San Francisco Playhouse.
directed by Lauren English; Monday night, November 3rd.
7 p.m. at SF Playhouse, 450 Post Street, between Powell and Mason
with this amazing cast: Devon Simpson, Andrew Humann, Jessa Brie Moreno, and Tim Kniffin.
FREE (with wine and snacks!)
As Betty Cooper, reading Shirley Jackson’s The Lottery
At Pegasus Books on Solano
As the Mother in Victoria Chong’s beautiful
10-minute piece, Riding Dragons.
At Monday Night PlayGround at Berkeley Rep.
As Heather Clark in the extension week of
Gidion’s Knot
by Johnna Adams
in my debut appearance at the Aurora Theatre!
Gorgeous experience. Truly stunning play. Thanks to all who came out to see it!
Less Recently
Starring, with Jack Souza in,
a short film by Mark and Greg Runnels,
screenplay by Kenn Rabin.
The PlayGround Film Festival
a showing of five, 10-minute films.
When: Opens May 15th, at 8 p.m
with additional showings on May 16, 22 and 23, at 6 & 8 p.m.
Where: Thick House
1695 18th Street
San Francisco, CA
“Stealing the Leads – Women Read Glengarry Glen Ross”
presented by First Person Singular and the Shotgun Cabaret
at Ashby Stage, September 2nd (Sold out) and 9th at 8 p.m.
First Person Singular appearance:
…as Betty Ford, singing Help Me Make It Through the Night in :
One Night: Monday, October 1, 2012 8 p.m.
Magician’s Choice – a reading of the play by Lynne Kaufman,
directed by Lynne Kaufman,
as part of Thick House’s “3 Girls” celebration of Women’s History Month
Where: Thick House
1695 18th Street
San Francisco, CA